KM CAT Provision-Only Referral Form

Referrer Acknowledgement

  • Our provision-only service is available to therapists for patients registered to a GP in East Kent (including Ashford) or Swale (including Sittingbourne, Sheppey, Teynham, and Newington).

  • When requesting equipment or apps, KMCAT act as an equipment library only; the referrer maintains responsibility for the patient’s duty of care. This includes:

    • collection/return of equipment when it is no longer needed.

    • providing training/support/technical advice when needed;

  • KMCAT can repair/replace hardware but are not here to provide technical support e.g. setting up accounts, installing or updating apps. Referrers will be expected to provide this support to their patients and to liaise with the relevant companies as needed.

  • The Apple ID email account you give us on this form will be the one we gift the app to. We are unable to regift the app. Ensure that this is the correct email address that is associated with the patient’s Apple ID account.

  • If your patient wishes to use an app on an Android device, please contact us to discuss options before making a referral.

Consent to referral

Please note: We will not be able to accept this referral without consent or a best-interests decision

Referrer Information

Patient Information

Details of other people involved


Equipment/App Request

Additional Information